Caregiver Resources

Close up of purple irisesCaregivers are the unsung heroes of our communities, offering invaluable support and companionship to those in need due to various challenges including physical, medical conditions, or the effects of aging. These individuals’ step into their roles out of love, compassion, and a deep sense of responsibility, often juggling their caregiving duties alongside other commitments. Whether it's a family member, friend, or another trusted individual, caregivers play a vital role in enhancing the quality of life for those they care for.

Supporting caregivers is essential to ensure they can continue their invaluable work effectively while also maintaining their own well-being. Recognizing the challenges they face, it's crucial to provide resources and assistance tailored to their needs. Jessica’s House Hospice is here to support and help navigate the challenges of caregiving.

It's crucial for caregivers to recognize that reaching out for support is not only acceptable but also essential for their own well-being and the quality of care they provide to their person. Caregiving can be physically, emotionally, and mentally demanding, often leading to burnout and feelings of isolation. By seeking support, individuals can gain valuable insights and emotional validation. It is important to remember that you don’t have to navigate the challenges of caregiving alone.



  • “I don’t have time for this!”: A compassionate guide to caring for your parents and yourself by Katherine Arnup
  • A Caregivers Guide by CHPCA
  • A guide for caregivers from Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association by CHPCA
  • Caring for loved ones at home: An illustrated easy to follow guide to short or long-term care by Harry Van Bommel
  • Coming home: A practical and compassionate guide to caring for a dying loved one by Deborah Duda
  • Companioning the Dying: A soulful guide for caregivers by Greg Yoder
  • Final journeys: A practical guide for bringing care and comfort at end of life by Maggie Callanan
  • Measure of the heart: caring for a parent with Alzheimer’s by Mary Ellen Geist
  • Parenting your parents by Bart Mindszenthy and Dr. Micheal Gordon
  • Setting boundaries with your aging parents by Allison Bottke
  • The boomer’s guide to aging parents: the complete guide by Carolyn Rosenblatt
  • The caregiver’s survival handbook by Alexis Abramson


Your donations allow us to continue to bring great support and services to our residents and their families.

Your donation will also help us continue to grow education and our grief support to our residents, their loved ones, and our community. Each donation allows us to keep all our resources FREE to anyone in need.
